Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thursday Things

**Every Thursday, I hope to be able to post a list of a few things that have caught my eye. Some of these might be Haney House life anecdotes, things from my classroom, or things that I've found around the internet. It will be a hodgepodge of sorts. :) Enjoy!

1. When I'm not acting house decorator connoisseur *wink wink*, I actually do have a real job. I'm a teacher...a KINDERGARTEN teacher (Insert the sigh of understanding that just came over you when you reached an understanding about why simple projects take me DAYS). This week, we are learning about famous Americans. After reading a book and watching a short video, my students and I came up with a "Can, Has, Is" chart about Rosa Parks. This was their chart:

Can we all just revel in the fact that when discussing things that Rosa Parks IS, my students came up with DEAD?? Because, ya know, Kindergarten.

2. Other than being a Kindergarten teacher and house decorator (and blogger), I also added HALF marathoner to my list of accomplishments about a year ago. Running is something that I never did until about 3 years ago, and now I can't imagine that I ever didn't do it! Rob and I enjoy running together weekly. It is such a stress reliever! Why am I telling you this? Well, because I'm about to complete my second half marathon (Rock 'N Roll New Orleans) on February 2nd! I've been training hard, and I'm so excited to (hopefully) improve my time!

3. I'm struggling with decorating our built-ins, so if you were expecting to see that post this week,'am, no. :/ 

5. My childhood friend Celina started a new blog. It has quickly jumped to the top of my list of favorite blogs because Celina and her boyfriend's lives remind me so much of ours! :) Go to check it out for some healthy eating/work out inspiration AND some awesome DIY projects!

6. I just NEED to tell y'all about one of my new favorite apps/websites. Here is the website: The Hunt . Do yourself a favor and download the app while you're at it, too! Here's the gist - Have you ever found something AWESOME on the internet *cough PINTEREST cough* but couldn't find the link to know where to buy it? You just enter the picture into the app and "start a hunt", and people can log in and send you a link of exactly where you can find that item or something similar! You can also follow other people's hunts if you see something that you like that they're looking for! It is a life changer. Their tagline is "The Cure for Outfit Envy" but I'm pretty sure that it is the cure for ANYTHING envy! I love it!

7. See that little button at the bottom of this screen that says COMMENT? Press it! You know you want to! ;)

8. Our ultimate dream for a light fixture over our dining room table is something like this: 

BUT we've been looking into making one ourselves with the old anchor lights that we found at the antique store a few weekends ago. So many little time!

9. We are dreaming of a tongue and groove plank ceiling in our new kitchen. Has anyone done it before? We're researching online, but it doesn't seem (too) hard.

10. I can't get enough of Dexter lately. And this is why:


And....speaking of serial/ceral killers... I'm just going to leave you with this here. :)


  1. Thanks for the share Min! I'm going download The Hunt. Also good luck in the half marathon!!! That's awesome!

  2. I hope this comment posts! Let me know if you see it!

  3. YAAAAAYYY!!! It worked!!! Great blog!

  4. Hsving been a blogger since 2009, I love to see the next generation also is beginning to join the league. Sometimes I think I will stop, and I will get some type of message from someone who was touched or learned something from my blog, etc. you girls have some interesting ones going, keep up the good work… follow mine if you don't already do so…
    would love to have you girls follow!
