Ok, so this post with be full of happy, sad, inspiring, etc. Prep yourselves, people!
1. Umm.... can we start off with the most awesome future designer EVER??? Check out the things this four year old is creating HERE
Seriously. This kid is a GENIUS!!!
2. We're considering changing our wedding date (previously Oct. 10, 2015) to October 3. It's National Mean Girls Day, y'all. That is is not why we're doing that. It's because of Fall Break. And it's going to be so fetch.
3. Rob's best friend has been living with us for awhile, and he is moving out in a few days. This has sparked ALL KIND OF DECORATING IDEAS in my brain about a guest room. That room never got painted, so I'm just freaking out thinking about all of the color possibilities!!! EEK!!! Here are some things I'm considering:
Maybe something navy? We don't have any REALLY dark rooms, but I'm so in love with all things dark blue right now that I am seriously considering it.
Or maybe something serene and quiet? I love this color sooooo much, but it is pretty close to the color in our bedroom, so I don't know..
Or something FUN!! Ok, ok. Not THIS fun...but pretty close!
5. Speaking of AMAZING rooms, the newest House Crashing on Young House Love has completely BLOWN MY MIND. I am so in awe over people who can put together all kinds of patterns/textures/colors. Please, people, teach me your secret ways.
5. And I just wouldn't be Cajun if I didn't share this fun graphic:
I'm not a HUGE fan of Mardi Gras, but teaching my class about Louisiana this week has kind of put me into the Mardi Gras spirit a bit!
Thinking about school brings me to my last thing...
6. I have to end this post on a less happy note, unfortunately. This week, I have witnessed the struggles of SO many people who I love. Something that inspires me about people is to see how much MORE faithful they become in hard times. I have seen so many acts of bravery, strength, and faith this week, that my faith has been restored in several situations. One particular thing that pains me to write about is that a sweet student from my school passed away this week. I didn't teach her in my regular class, but I worked with her in several after school and summer programs, so I got to know her pretty well. She was quite the little character, and I think that every employee in our entire school felt a little piece of their heart break when we got the news. If you are inclined to donate to help Olivia's family to give her a proper funeral and to cover medical bills that she built up over the last few months, please visit this website: Sweet Olivia God is SO good. He gives us the strength to get through tough times. He reminds us every single day of His love. I don't understand (and I may NEVER understand) why terrible things like this happen, but I know that my God is going to heal my heart, and He is taking good care of his newest little angel. Fly high, Olivia girl! <3